“How I made $127,638.04 from one direct-mail campaign using simple proven advertising principles that anyone can learn…”
In an exclusive one-time-only workshop, Marti Amos, NZ’s #1 Ranked Business Coach (Jan 2009) will share with you the secrets behind creating money making advertising that will dirve a herd of customers to your doors within the next 90 days…
In This No Holds Barred Workshop You’ll Discover…
1. The 7 biggest mistakes that most business owners are guilty of in their advertising…and what to do about them!
2. 5 quick and dirty ways to create a powerful headline…that works!
3. 11 ways to create red-hot urgency in your readers mind that will get them to take immediate action to your offer…
4. The 7 critical things you must have in your ad to make it work…
5. How to completely dominate your competitors in the Yellow Pages and have your phone ringing 24/7
6. The big secrets behind testing and measuring that can double or triple your profits from a single ad…
7. How to increase the effectiveness of your website without one additional visitor…
Check Out What Past Attendees Have To Say After Attending The StreetSmart Advertising Workshop…
“From our 2008 Yellow Pages ad we managed to book 27 jobs which generated $13,139. We tested four different headlines for our 2009 ad and also changed the wording to make it more benefit oriented and customer focused.
In 2009 we have booked 334 jobs which has generated $183,203 in revenue. That’s a massive 1,294% increase in the revenue generated from our ad.”
Regan Frost, Regency Plumbing
“From just 2 ads we have placed in the local Eastern Courier for $650 we have gained 71 enquiries which have generated $22,950. Things are moving – many thanks for all the help and guidance. We realise that there was no way that we would have ‘achieved’ from the start without having engaged your help and input.”
Bernie and Lynne Matthews, Evi-Dent Denture Clinic
Plus, when you register before Friday 21st August (Early Bird) You’ll Also Get These Great Bonus Gifts…For FREE!
Bonus Gift #1 – One FREE ad critique certificate from Marti Amos. Have you got a piece of advertising to send out but you’re unsure whether it’s going to work? Wonder no longer! This certificate entitles you to one FREE ad critique. You simply send in your advertising piece and Marti will sit down for an hour and pick the bones out of your advertisement and then list all the ways in which you can improve its effectiveness (valued at $497)
Bonus Gift #2 – The Headline Generator Kit. Stuck for a headline? This great program takes all the effort out of creating headlines by coming up with them for you. You simply answer 4 quick questions around your product/service benefit and the headline generator will automatically create 200 ready-to-use headlines (valued at $97)
Call Josh Ming at 09 3681036 now to know more!
StreetSmart Advertising Workshop- 28th August 2009
Waipuna Conference Centre
58 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington
10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed
Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussion
lists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups?
People will usually read the subject line before they
read your ad or message, so it’s important they get
noticed. Below are ten simple, but powerful tips to
get your ads or messages noticed.
1. Use extra white space creatively in your subject
line. You can add extra blank spaces between your
words or letters.
2. Combine capital letters with lower case letters.
Use all capital letters in every other word or use a
capital letter between every other lower case letter.
3. Add text symbols in your subject line. You could
use them between words and letters. Start and end
your subject with a text symbol. ( *, $, >,{,] )
4. Begin your subject line with the word “STOP!”.
People have been trained their whole life to stop
what they are doing when they see that word.
5. Ask people a question in your subject line. We
all went to school and were repetitively branded to
answer questions.
6. Use the word “FREE” in your subject line. Your
offer should be attractive to your target audience.
It could be free information, software, trials, etc.
7. Begin your subject line with an “online smile :)”.
People use smiles offline to gain people’s attention
and to win their trust, why not use them online too.
8. Don’t use unbelievable claims in your subject line.
People have or know some who has been ripped
off and trained themselves to ignore those claims.
9. Don’t use all capital letters in your subject line.
It is hard to read, looks unprofessional, and on the
internet it’s considered a symbol for shouting.
10. Test different subject lines to see which ones
draws the most traffic to your web site. Also, read
the FAQ before posting a message or ad anywhere.
**10 Ways Articles from PlugInProfit**
Russel Clark of Renovations, shares how Marti Amos from ActionCOACH has helped him systemize his business and take it to the next level .
Click Here to read more.
SALES … the 7 most important facts every salesperson, including you, must know …
(Original article by Brad Sugars- www.bradsugars.com)
1. You’ve got to qualify the decision makers quickly and simply… I’m sure you’ve had the experience of running through your whole sales pitch only to hear, “I’ll have to ask my partner about this…”
Put a system in place to make sure you’re only ever selling to decision makers… and most importantly STOP wasting your time… it’s valuable.
2. Learn how to contact those so called ‘hard to reach’ decision makers… They’re only hard to reach because you haven’t found a way in yet… Of course, timing has a lot to do with it but your marketing is your foot in the door, and it’s then, that your sales skills are put to the test…
Strategically the fastest way to contact a ‘hard to reach’ decision maker is to send them a marketing piece about yourself and your business that has a little yellow post-it note attached with this message, “Thought you should read this… CK.” By the time they’ve thought about who sent it to them they’ve read your letter.
Or, send them a letter that promises you’ll give them a call, and then when you speak with their secretary you can say that you promised to call them personally…
Speak with the right person, find out why they buy, and help them do it NOW…
3. How to create literally hundreds or new and qualified leads each and every month … Stop wasting your time working hard and chasing blind leads and get your marketing working for you and have your leads call you. That way you’re only dealing with people who ‘want’ to work with you … I know in our franchise this is vital …
4. Price is Never a Concern… Unless YOU believe it is first… The only sales people I’ve ever met who get heaps of price concerns are the ones who focus on it themselves… Get over it; make your customers focus on value and service instead…
Ask your prospects questions that focus on service, value and their needs, never price…
5. Ask more questions… The key to selling is having your customers sold before you ask them to buy. And, the best way to do that is to have them sell themselves by answering your questions…
6. Listen and give positive strokes… After every question listen well, don’t jump in and make your point, just stay quiet, nod your head and agree, then ask another question…
Put bluntly, you don’t have to make your point every few minutes, just let them speak for a half hour or so and then bring everything they’ve said together to make your sales argument… Remember, it’s things they’ve said that makes your sales pitch to them…
7. Never ask for the sale… Assume that they want to buy and just confirm details of the sale, like their address, the color, etc. Too often people just forget to assume the sale, our franchise is built on the fact that people want to buy …
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6 Things you need to know when advertising on radio…
Along with press and television, radio is one of the most popular forms of advertising. It can also be one of the most effective. But before embarking on a radio campaign there are a few points you should keep in mind.
1. Target Market… In most markets there will be a number of stations you can choose from. Generally these stations will each attract a different listening audience. For example, the music played on your local FM station may be aimed at people aged between 25 and 39, while the AM station may attract listeners aged 39+. When considering which station to use, it’s important to keep in mind who you’re trying to reach. Don’t simply choose a station because it’s the one you listen to. Choose the one your customers prefer.
2. Costs… There are 2 costs you’ll incur when advertising on radio. Obviously you have to pay for the time your commercials are actually on air (airtime). You’ll also need to pay to have the commercials produced (production costs).
Prices may vary between metropolitan and regional stations, but as a general rule of thumb you can expect to pay between $50 – $100 to have your commercials produced and production by an advertising agency can cost substantially more. Whilst you can make substantial savings by dealing directly with the station, it’s important to remember that an expensive commercial that works, is better that a cheap one that gets little or no response.
Unlike other forms of advertising you need to spend a minimum amount before you begin to see any worthwhile results. You can expect to spend approximately $2000 per week in a regional market, and around $3000 with a metropolitan station. To spend any less on your campaign is a waste of money. You simply won’t be able to get the repetition required to get you a result. Repetition is important in radio advertising, so you need to make sure that your commercials are played on a regular basis.
3. Schedule… Now that you’ve had your commercials produced you need to decide when you want them to go air. There are 2 basic types of schedules that you can choose from.
The first is ‘run of station’. This simply means that the station will decide when your commercials go to air, in other words the specific time of the day that each commercial will be played.
The second type is ‘target placed’. Using ‘target placed’ commercials gives you the opportunity to decide when each commercial is played. Normally ‘run of station’ placements are less expensive than those which are ‘target placed’. They are also far less effective.
Your local station will have survey figures that indicate the most popular listening times for your potential customers. You need to find out which are the highest ¼ hour listening shares for your target demographic rather then pay for your commercials to be played at a time when your target market is not listening. Your station sales representative can tell you which times will suit you best.
4. Number of words per commercial… As a rule 65 – 85 words is the limit for a 30 second commercial. This can vary however depending on how many sound effects you use. Remember that radio is back ground medium. Most people will listen to the radio whilst doing something else, such as driving or working in the garden. Understanding this it’s important not to put too much information into your ads. You should only focus on one theme, the one “big idea” that you want to get across.
5. Choosing the right sound… If your commercial is to standout from the rest you need to consider 3 main points. The first thing you need to consider is who you want to voice your commercial.
You may be tempted to voice the commercial yourself. However unless you have a good voice for radio you’re better off getting someone else to do this for you. You need to keep in mind who you’re trying to reach and the type of person they’ll find believable, a voice they can relate to. If you decide to use a local announcer, keep in mind that they probably won’t be able to use terms such as ‘us’ and ‘we’. If you want the reader to sound like a representative of your company you may need to source outside ‘talent’.
Sound effects are another important consideration. Used effectively these can help create a mental picture for your clients. For example the clutter of dishes in a kitchen setting or the sound of a lawn mower in the background while two neighbours talk. Your local station will have a number of different effects that you can choose from. You may even decide to have your commercials recorded “live” in store. This allows you to create the impression of your business being a popular, vibrant place.
You also need to give some thought to the type of music to be used. Music is optional, but if you decide to use it in your commercial, keep in mind that it must suit the mood you’re trying to create. Whilst music can help attract your prospects attention, it should not distract them from your selling message.
6. Some radio myths… Having considered all of the above you need to be mindful of certain myths that radio sales people would have you believe.
One of my favourites is that of ‘image advertising’. This is a tactic used to get you to spend vast sums of money without being able to gauge the effectiveness of your commercials. Your advertising dollars should only be spent on specific promotions, services or products. This allows you to test and measure the results.
Package deals are another method of milking money out of the unsuspecting business owner. This typically occurs late in the month when the station is behind on budget. These can sometimes be worthwhile providing your commercials are aired at a time that suits you and not simply placed ‘run of station’.
Because radio is a background medium, your target market will not be able to remember things like 8 digit phone numbers. If yours is the type of business that relies on customers phoning you, then you should consider other forms of advertising. Alternatively you can instruct them to look for your advertising in the Yellow Pages.
Radio is at its most effective when it creates a sense of urgency on the mind of the consumer. Using terms like ‘hurry must end soon’ or ‘today only’ will generally give you the best results.
**Article from bradsugars.com
Visit our website- www.newzealand.actioncoach.com
10 Sizzling Ways To Ignite Your Profits
1. Create a memorable logo and slogan to brand
your business on the internet. When they see your
slogan or logo it will remind them of your business.
eg. ActionCOACH’s logo and slogan-
2. Multiply your marketing all over the internet by
creating free bonuses for other business’ products.
You just include your ad somewhere on the bonus.
3. Offer to buy advertising space inside electronic
products like ebooks, software, subscription sites,
etc. It will be cheaper than print insert ads.
4. Increase your sales by adjusting your product
or service to attract other target audiences. This
may mean redesigning or adding on to it.
5. Test the prices of your product or service. You
may increase the perceived value by raising your
price and a lower price may decrease your sales.
6. Use your product’s features to support all of your
benefits. Just because benefits are more important,
don’t forget to list the features.
7. Market yourself or business as an expert. Most
people have been told throughout their life to trust
and respect the authoritative figures in society.
8. Train yourself and your employees to be polite
to all your customers, even if they’re shouting Solve
their problem quickly and it may even turn into a sale.
9. Give your visitors a good impression when they
first visit your web site. Don’t make the first thing
they see at the top of your home page a banner ad.
10. Join online business associations. Most will give
you a membership graphic to put on your web site
which will give your business extra credibility.
Visit our website- www.newzealand.actioncoach.com
Find out now!
10 Tips For Writing A Profit Producing Ad1. You can get ad copy ideas by studying similar
product’s advertising material. Collect their sales
letters, classified ads, web ads, e-mail ads, etc.
2. Know exactly what you want your ad copy to
accomplish. It could be to qualify prospects, make
sales, generate leads, attract web traffic, etc.
3. Make a complete list of your product’s benefits
and features. Begin your ad with the most important
benefit either in your headline or first sentence.
4. Make your ad benefits as specific as possible.
Include exact numbers, percentages, times, colors,
smells, sounds, descriptive adjectives, etc.
5. List all the ways your product is different from
your competition’s. Include all the differences in
your ad copy that are better than their product.
6. Use graphics, pictures and drawings of people
actually using your product to solve their problem.
Include a picture that also shows the results.
7. Make a list of your target audience. Write down
what reasons would attract them to purchase your
product. Include those reasons in your ad copy.
8. Include any proven facts in your ad copy. They
could be customer surveys, scientific tests, product
reviews, etc.
9. Tell your audience what kind of support they’ll
get after they buy. It could be free consulting, tech
support, free servicing, etc.
10. Ask people at the end of your copy why they
decided not to buy. This will give you new ideas on
how to produce a more profitable ad copy.
**Article from-pluginprofit.com**
ActionCOACH New Zealand– the World’s No.1 Business Coaching Firm.
ActionCOACH Business Coaches have consistently delivered fantastic results for their clients and have often doubled, tripled, quadrupled and sometimes more the turn over of their clients businesses.
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