A recession can be either a threat or an opportunity…
It’s up to YOU– your attitude, your knowledge and most importantly the Action you take!
Economic forecasters are predicting 2009 to be a tough year…This Seminar will help you:
Ensure you are protected- you’ll learn street smart strategies that your lawyer or Accountant won’t tell you unless you know the right questions to ask.
Create a low cost marketing that works! – In a boom economy many businesses don’t market much and those that do typically spend too much money for the return they get! You’ll learn clever low cost marketing strategies to keep those sales pumping and sales really are life blood in a recession!
Identify the opportunities in a Recession. And there are many- this recession could be the biggest opportunity in your life!
The awards ceremony at the end of the conference recognized a number of top coaches in the ActionCOACH system. For the company’s Coaches’ Choice awards, the finalists and winners are nominated by fellow Business Coaches in various categories.
There were several finalists for the Coaches’ Choice TeamCOACH award, but Bruce Wilson was declared the winner.
“I’m very pleased to give Bruce this honor. He has put forth a lot of hard work and effort, and is succeeding greatly,” Sugars said.
Wilson was proud to be recognized by his peers and receive the Coaches’ Choice TeamCOACH award.
He was recognized last year at the Global Conference, as well – he won the Hall of Fame award.
ActionCOACH is the world’s number one business coaching firm with more than 1,000 offices in 26 countries.
Visit our ActionCOACH New Zealand website- www.actioncoachbusinesscoaching.co.nz
Call us today to book your complimentary coaching session valued at $395.00- Yours to take advantage- FREE Today!
“How I made $127,638.04 from one direct-mail campaign using simple proven advertising principles that anyone can learn…”
In an exclusive one-time-only workshop, Marti Amos, NZ’s #1 Ranked Business Coach (Jan 2009) will share with you the secrets behind creating money making advertising that will dirve a herd of customers to your doors within the next 90 days…
In This No Holds Barred Workshop You’ll Discover…
1. The 7 biggest mistakes that most business owners are guilty of in their advertising…and what to do about them!
2. 5 quick and dirty ways to create a powerful headline…that works!
3. 11 ways to create red-hot urgency in your readers mind that will get them to take immediate action to your offer…
4. The7 critical thingsyou must have in your ad to make it work…
5. How to completely dominate your competitors in the Yellow Pages and have your phone ringing 24/7
6. The big secrets behind testing and measuring that can double or tripleyour profits from a single ad…
7. How to increase the effectiveness of your website without one additional visitor…
Check Out What Past Attendees Have To Say After Attending The StreetSmart Advertising Workshop…
“From our 2008 Yellow Pages ad we managed to book 27 jobs which generated $13,139. We tested four different headlines for our 2009 ad and also changed the wording to make it more benefit oriented and customer focused.
In 2009 we have booked 334 jobs which has generated $183,203 in revenue. That’s a massive 1,294% increase in the revenue generated from our ad.”
Regan Frost, Regency Plumbing
“From just 2 ads we have placed in the local Eastern Courier for $650 we have gained 71 enquiries which have generated $22,950. Things are moving – many thanks for all the help and guidance. We realise that there was no way that we would have ‘achieved’ from the start without having engaged your help and input.”
Bernie and Lynne Matthews, Evi-Dent Denture Clinic
Plus, when you register before Friday 21st August (Early Bird) You’ll Also Get These Great Bonus Gifts…For FREE!
Bonus Gift #1 – One FREE ad critique certificate from Marti Amos. Have you got a piece of advertising to send out but you’re unsure whether it’s going to work? Wonder no longer! This certificate entitles you to one FREE ad critique. You simply send in your advertising piece and Marti will sit down for an hour and pick the bones out of your advertisement and then list all the ways in which you can improve its effectiveness (valued at $497)
Bonus Gift #2 – The Headline Generator Kit. Stuck for a headline? This great program takes all the effort out of creating headlines by coming up with them for you. You simply answer 4 quick questions around your product/service benefit and the headline generator will automatically create 200 ready-to-use headlines (valued at $97)
To reach true potential, all athletes rely on a coach. Not only does a coach hold you accountable, great coaches help improve your skills and detect flaws that hinder your performance. The same can be said for business. A really great Business Coach helps you leverage your current skills to improve your overall performance. The result? More wins, in the form of greater profits – for you and your business. How would your company benefit from a Business Coach? Spend an hour with an ActionCOACH and find out.
You’ll develop strategies to work “on” and not “in” your business – giving you more TIME to spend on your family – or other business.
You’ll transform your TEAM and attract great new employees to your company.
You’ll work on achieving your MONEY goals faster and in higher numbers than you ever thought possible.
You’ll create synergy in each department of your operation to leverage your overall RESULTS.
Discover the proven methods thousands of business owners have already used in their companies from the World’s # 1 Business Coaching Firm.
You and your business are eligible to receive a complimentary coaching session valued at $375.00 from the world’s # 1 business coaching firm – ActionCOACH. All you have to do is complete the Business Health Check.
Additionally, if you refer a friend, you may be eligible for a month of free coaching. (*Conditions Apply). Whether you are looking for ways to grow the profit in your company or methods to attract high performing team members – we can help! Whatever your goals are – ActionCOACH can help. We have helped more than 100,000 business owners just like you throughout the world.
This is your chance to get help from the leader in business coaching for FREE!
Offer Valid from 1st August 2009 to 31st December 2009- Conditions apply.
CLICK HERE to get your FREE Business Coaching Session.
If you want a recession proof business to Leverage your current business, your skills, experience, contacts and capital, then you need to learn about becoming an ActionCOACH Firm Owner.
– A Goal Oriented Decision Maker?
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– Financially sound with more than $1M net worth?
CALL NOW to find out more and apply for these limited positions with ActionCOACH New Zealand. 0800 369888 or email us: [email protected]
With an ActionCOACH Firm Franchise you will build a professional services asset in a selected New Zealand region while coaching and training business owners to higher profits and success…
CALL today and ask us about our FREE Book Offer- The Business Coach-by Brad Sugars (Offer Valid from 1st July 2009 to 31st August 2009)
ActionCOACH Business Coaching is the World’s No.1 Business Coaching Firm.
Discover the benefits of having a business coach/ business mentor in you business by calling 0800 228 466 today!
Every champion athlete has a coach…Do You?
Call us now at 0800 228 466 for a FREE, No Obligation Business Health Check or complete the Health Check on our website- www.actioncoachbusinesscoaching.co.nz
ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand is the biggest and the World’s No.1 Business Coaching Firm.
Do you know someone who can be a GREAT Business Coach- refer them to us and get yourself a FREE Book
by Brad Sugars valued at $34.95
Call us now to get your FREE copy of “Cash, Customers and Ads that Sell”
“Every business sometimes needs a little help, and that need is keeping business consulting and staffing franchises growing. In addition to nearly double the number of business consulting franchises, there is also a new emphasis on companies offering small-business… consulting services.”
*Senior-care services:
“As the world ages, the senior-care industry… is maturing.”
*Personal-care services:
“Baby boomers may be young at heart, but their desire to look young as well has spurred the growth of franchises offering laser, skin-care, med-spa, massage, fitness and tanning services.”
*Enrichment learning programs for kids:
“When it comes to learning programs for children, the segment increased by 850-plus units.”
*eBay drop-off stores:
“The largest global online marketplace has been creating opportunities for all, including franchises that list and sell items for those lacking eBay savvy.”
“Franchises and their customers will never go hungry.”
*New and unique concepts:
“Innovative, original and sometimes wacky ‘franchise’ concepts are starting to shake things up… Cereality… Miami Rice Pudding Co… are among those companies that take existing products and either add a new twist or improve on them.”
ActionCOACH New Zealand is the leading Business Coaching Firm. We have Certified Business Coaches all over New Zealand with more than 1000 offices worldwide.
My experience stems from buying and selling franchises. I believe in franchising as a wealth creation tool but be sure you don’t become a victim.
If you want to build an international franchise or are simply looking at acquiring a franchise to increase your wealth – always look if you can tick the following check boxes.
My 7 learnings as a successful franchisee (and in order of merit):
Buy the top franchise model in the industry i.e. if Pizza franchise – buy top franchise in the country (the criteria being, 3 -5 years of being number one)
If passionate founders are present – big YES
Strict code of conduct and high operational standards – is there consistency in customer experience throughout the group?
Are franchisees considered as customers? Or is the franchisor looking at a franchisee as a glorified employee – don’t be shy – ask the franchisees.
Are more than the 20% making money (real good money) – otherwise it’s an average franchise – Be very sure you have the capability of being a superstar! Happy customers and profitable franchisees –these are signs indicating the franchisor has his finger on the pulse! Unhappy franchisees and clients is a definite red signal.
Buy in before the big growth is realized – i.e. see the potential for the group and buy in before everyone wants in. No different from the stock market…
Is the franchisor operationally focused or customer-centric? If operationally focused – GET OUT!
Build or buy a franchise with the above in mind and rest assured -you will have a winner!
How cafe owners made spare time for themselves – and more money …
Wendy’s Story
Our business is Cafe Istanbul. It’s a Turkish restaurant in Wellington City, New Zealand. It’s a family-owned business that we’ve run for 11 years now. I look after the front of house, manage the staff and see to sales.
Over the last 6-months to a year, we’ve noticed a big growth in the upper end of Cuba St, where we are situated. There’s a lot more people, a lot more foot traffic, and many bars and cafes are being developed in the street.
There are also a lot of inner city apartments in our area now.
While many of our customers are students, we also cater for those between the ages of 25 and 45; we have quite a few 40th birthday parties here. We also get 21sts and even 60th and 70th birthday parties, so our customer base is quite vast.
Our cafe is very well known. Everyone in the area knows who we are and where we are. Those who haven’t been to us before will always ring up to find out. We have a lot of regular customers.
We obviously want to pitch to the people with the most money, so we’re thinking of aiming at city dwellers, the apartment people, in the next marketing campaign.
These tend to be aged 25 to 35 or 40, have a good disposable income and probably no children or dependants. They have that extra money to spend on going out.
We’re definitely considering opening up for lunch. We have done that once before and there just wasn’t enough foot traffic. But we’ve noticed in recent times that on a Thursday, Friday and Saturday (and even Sunday) there are a lot of people about and they’re all looking for somewhere to have lunch.
We faced several challenges before we met ActionCOACH, particularly regarding staffing in the kitchen (we used to import chefs from Turkey), team building with our front of house team and getting the right people.
Other challenges included putting systems in place that, perhaps, we hadn’t thought of before.
Finding the right staff had always been a big problem … we’d advertise and basically end up just having to take the first available person rather than the right person.
ActionCOACH has given me some really good information and guidelines on how to choose the right person rather than be hasty and choose the wrong person, because when running a restaurant, you need people; people on the floor and not just people who are available to work.
In the past, we were basically happy with what we made from the business. Even though we could probably have made a lot more, we didn’t try.
With putting different systems in place, like managing our booking times and getting more ‘bums on seats’, we’ve been able to increase the number of people we serve, and of course, the number of dollars we take.
So there’s definitely been a really good increase since we’ve started working with ActionCOACH.
Call us today to book a FREE Business Consultationwith the nearest ActionCOACH Business Coach in your area. Call FREE- 0800 228 466