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Are you participating in an EXPO? Here are some important and vital tips to make the most of your investment…it’s a heafty activity any way so learn this up…
1. Don’t:
Pass up the chance to visit other industry events before you exhibit for the first time. Make note of what exhibitors worked for you and what turned you off. What did you find to be effective? Can you incorporate those items into your own exhibit?
2. Do:
Make a list of goals and objectives for the show. This list should be very specific. Do you want to generate $X in new sales, start a certain number of new business relationships, or spread the word about a new service offering you’re introducing to the market?
3. Don’t:
Get sidetracked by what everyone else is doing – or by what people tell you ‘have’ to do at a tradeshow. You’re at the show to reinforce your expert identity and achieve your goals and objectives. Anything else is off-target.
5. Do:
Be open to creative and new ways of presenting your services. Tradeshow attendees see hundreds of exhibits in the course of one day. You need to be unique and engaging for your display to be memorable.
6. Don’t:
Be afraid to be enthusiastic about your services. If you’re genuinely jazzed up about what you do, attendees will sense that. Enthusiasm is contagious — and more importantly, it sells!
7. Do:
Learn the 80/20 rule and take it to heart. The best exhibitors are those who listen 80% of the time and talk 20%. Focusing on attendees’ wants and needs is a surefire route to success.
8. Don’t:
“Throw Up” on attendees. This very common practice occurs when nervous exhibitors can’t stop talking, and keep up a constant barrage of facts, figures, and sales spiel. Attendees are quickly turned off by this, and your chance to form a profitable new business relationship walks away.
9. Do:
Remember you’re on display. What you’re selling at a tradeshow is, primarily, first impressions. Be professional, well-dressed, and mannerly at all times. You never know who’s watching.
10. Don’t:
Eat, drink, or chat on your cell phone on the show floor. When you need refreshment or a break, leave your exhibit booth. Remember, the eyes of the public are on you at all times, so you’ll want to conduct yourself well.
11. Do:
Be realistic. Tradeshows are long events. You’re on the floor for anywhere from ten to twelve hours at a go, often several days in a row. This is a lot for any one person to do on their own, and most Nichepreneuers are solo operations. Ask for help. Recruit friends to work the show with you. If nothing else, they can spell you while you grab a quick bite to eat.
12. Don’t:
Forget! If you have friends help you at the tradeshow, it behooves you to provide them with some training. Make sure they understand what your services are, how you’re different from your peers, and what the marketing message is. Also, have a plan in place to cover what they should do when they run into a question they don’t know the answer to.
13. Do:
Ask qualifying questions. You want to know who you’re talking to, who they work for, and in what capacity. This will help you determine if the attendee is a prospective customer or not.
14. Don’t:
Be afraid to encourage people to move along if they’re not interested in your services. Some of the people who attend tradeshows are ‘tire-kickers’ — they like to discuss everything, but buy nothing. You don’t want to waste your time with them.
15. Do:
Take notes. Take time before the show to create a lead-card system, in which you’ll record pertinent information to facilitate post-show follow-up.
16. Don’t:
Depend on your memory — no matter how good you are, a few words scrawled on the back of a business card won’t be enough after the show’s over and you’ve met with literally hundreds of people.
17. Do:
Be polite and nice to everyone. The junior executive today can be a senior executive tomorrow.
18. Don’t:
Forget to read the Exhibitor’s Service manual. This is the thick packet of materials you received when you registered for the show. Inside, you’ll find everything you need to know about exhibiting at that particular show — and discover important deadlines for ordering services. Don’t miss those deadlines or you’ll pay more for everything!
19. Do:
Reach out to the media. Have a press kit available in the media room. Be open to interviews — reporters and freelancers often walk the floor looking for stories. If you have something truly newsworthy to announce, schedule a press conference at the show.
20. Don’t:
Forget to advertise your tradeshow participation. Make sure your target audience knows they can see you at the show, where you’ll be, and what they can expect when they visit you.
21. Do:
Follow Up! The most important part of any tradeshow takes place after you leave the building. You see that big pile of leads you’ve gathered? Send them all thank you notes for coming to see you — and follow up with them the most promising prospects quickly. You’ll be glad you did.
ActionCOACH Business Coaching at the Bizzone Expo
22. Don’t:
Hesitate to include hands-on, interactive demonstrations into your exhibit whenever possible. People love to participate. They love to try new things. Most of all, they love to have fun. If you can integrate fun into your exhibit, you’ll have more attendees than you know what to do with.
23. Do:
Use giveaway items that enhance your expert identity. You want items that your attendees will use regularly and reinforce their impression of you as the expert.
24. Don’t:
Get caught up in trendy giveaway items pushed by promotional salespeople. You want to stand out from the crowd, not merge with it.
25. Do:
Give your tradeshow participation a fair chance to work. Results may not be immediate. Rome wasn’t built in a day. But the business relationships you start at tradeshows today can steadily blossom into profitable partnerships tomorrow.
….Do you want more information…tips, systems, strategies….
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ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand
PO Box 25-651, St. Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand
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This event is presented to you by ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand
Almost every professional on the face of this earth needs to continuously update their skills…whether you’re a doctor, architect, lawyer, web developer or business owner, you should constantly be learning new skills and refining them.
So, why would your sales team be any different? Selling is a skill, a skill that can be learnt or acquired. For the most part, a person who is taught how to sell and the ‘science’ behind the buyer’s mentality, will achieve a better sales record than a person who acquires the skills of selling and adopts a hit and miss approach to the sales technique.
“225% increase in forward orders in just 7 months! Our company has worked with Graeme for the last seven months, during which time our forward orders have increased by 225%. Now, after just two months into the new year, our forward orders are already almost 70% of last year’s total, and we are revising our estimates upwards…again.”
-Mark Wadman, Sauce Direct
-Andrew and Lynne Arts, Electrico Ltd
Where: Waipuna Hotel & Conference Centre, 58 Waipuna Road, Panmure
When: Friday 18th September 2009, 9.00am to 12.30pm followed by Networking Buffet Lunch at 12:30pm
“How I made $127,638.04 from one direct-mail campaign using simple proven advertising principles that anyone can learn…”
In an exclusive one-time-only workshop, Marti Amos, NZ’s #1 Ranked Business Coach (Jan 2009) will share with you the secrets behind creating money making advertising that will dirve a herd of customers to your doors within the next 90 days…
In This No Holds Barred Workshop You’ll Discover…
1. The 7 biggest mistakes that most business owners are guilty of in their advertising…and what to do about them!
2. 5 quick and dirty ways to create a powerful headline…that works!
3. 11 ways to create red-hot urgency in your readers mind that will get them to take immediate action to your offer…
4. The 7 critical things you must have in your ad to make it work…
5. How to completely dominate your competitors in the Yellow Pages and have your phone ringing 24/7
6. The big secrets behind testing and measuring that can double or triple your profits from a single ad…
7. How to increase the effectiveness of your website without one additional visitor…
Check Out What Past Attendees Have To Say After Attending The StreetSmart Advertising Workshop…
“From our 2008 Yellow Pages ad we managed to book 27 jobs which generated $13,139. We tested four different headlines for our 2009 ad and also changed the wording to make it more benefit oriented and customer focused.
In 2009 we have booked 334 jobs which has generated $183,203 in revenue. That’s a massive 1,294% increase in the revenue generated from our ad.”
Regan Frost, Regency Plumbing
“From just 2 ads we have placed in the local Eastern Courier for $650 we have gained 71 enquiries which have generated $22,950. Things are moving – many thanks for all the help and guidance. We realise that there was no way that we would have ‘achieved’ from the start without having engaged your help and input.”
Bernie and Lynne Matthews, Evi-Dent Denture Clinic
Plus, when you register before Friday 21st August (Early Bird) You’ll Also Get These Great Bonus Gifts…For FREE!
Bonus Gift #1 – One FREE ad critique certificate from Marti Amos. Have you got a piece of advertising to send out but you’re unsure whether it’s going to work? Wonder no longer! This certificate entitles you to one FREE ad critique. You simply send in your advertising piece and Marti will sit down for an hour and pick the bones out of your advertisement and then list all the ways in which you can improve its effectiveness (valued at $497)
Bonus Gift #2 – The Headline Generator Kit. Stuck for a headline? This great program takes all the effort out of creating headlines by coming up with them for you. You simply answer 4 quick questions around your product/service benefit and the headline generator will automatically create 200 ready-to-use headlines (valued at $97)
StreetSmart Advertising Workshop- 28th August 2009
Waipuna Conference Centre
58 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington
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You’ll transform your TEAM and attract great new employees to your company. |
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You’ll work on achieving your MONEY goals faster and in higher numbers than you ever thought possible. |
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You’ll create synergy in each department of your operation to leverage your overall RESULTS. |
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