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The Top 3 REasons Why Business Coaching is the Best Business Business…

The Top 3 Reasons Why Business Coaching is the Best Business for Experienced Executives in New Zealand…

1. The Lifestyle of your choice…

In a job, you have to turn up at 9 (usually earlier) and can only leave at 5 (or later). In your own business, you set the schedule. Successful business coaches can arrange their work to suit them. You can work 3 days a week and take holidays when you want. It’s all up to you…

2. The rewards are yours to keep…

In a job, you usually get paid a fixed amount every year no matter how well you do. In a business it’s different, you get paid exactly what you deserve, because you earnt it…

3. The freedom of being an entrepreneur…

In a job, you have to fit your life around your work. Being a business owner is very different. You choose everything. Your Clients, your office and you hours are up to you. You are in control…

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ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand

The World’s No.1 Business Coaching Firm

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The 5 to 7 Minute Marketing Plan

The 5 to 7 Minute Marketing Plan


The bulk of the plan needs to be completed in 5 to 7 minutes.  All parts of the plan will be in a single sentence except point 4 which will need to be fleshed out at a later date.

Here are the questions! – (remember answer in one sentence only!)

1)     The purpose of your marketing.

2)     What is the competitive advantage of your business?

3)     Who is your target market/audience?

4)     What are the marketing strategies that you’ll use? E.g. Radio, newspaper, customer service training, PR, add on sales training, etc.

5)     What’s your niche?

6)     What’s your identity – who you really are?

7)     Your marketing budget as a percentage of your total budget.

Source: Jay Conrad Levinson – Author of ‘The Guerrilla Marketing Revolution’.

For more Business Tips- please visit our website… www.actioncoachbusinesscoaching.co.nz

We are ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand. We are the biggest and the World’s No. 1 Business Coaching Firm.

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Would you like to learn more about how we can help transform your business into a well-oiled profit machine?

Would you like to learn more about how we can help transform your business into a well-oiled profit machine?

The first step is to call for a Complimentary Coaching Session.

Each month just 5 business owners are given the opportunity to receive a COMPLIMENTARY 90-minute Coaching Session.

This includes a review of your business, along with:

  • tips on strategies for improving lead generation
  • converting more leads into clients
  • increasing the average value of a sale
  • increasing the number of transactions clients make
  • adding to your profit margin

Contact Us TODAY! 0800-228-466

ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand

PO Box 25-651, St. Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand

or email us- [email protected]

“Every business owner who signs-up for the complimentary coaching session WILL find new ways of increasing profits, getting control of their time and/or creating a business that can operate independently of the owner. I found tremendous clarity from being able to take a step back from my day-to-day problems and reviewing the big picture. – Ty Barns, Key Equity Offices


…Great coaching teaches you how to swim like a fish

… Great business coaching teaches you

how to swim with the sharks




 To reach true potential, all athletes rely on a coach. Not only does a coach hold you accountable, great coaches help improve your skills and detect flaws that hinder your performance. The same can be said for business. A really great Business Coach helps you leverage your current skills to improve your overall performance. The result? More wins, in the form of greater profits – for you and your business. How would your company benefit from a Business Coach? Spend an hour with an ActionCOACH and find out.

You’ll develop strategies to work “on” and not “in” your business – giving you more TIME to spend on your family – or other business.
You’ll transform your TEAM and attract great new employees to your company.
You’ll work on achieving your MONEY goals faster and in higher numbers than you ever thought possible.
You’ll create synergy in each department of your operation to leverage your overall RESULTS.

Discover the proven methods thousands of business owners have already used in their companies from the World’s # 1 Business Coaching Firm.

Click here to know more.

Visit our website now- www.actioncoachbusinesscoaching.co.nz

ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand- Call us today- 0800 228 466 to get your Complimentary Business Coaching Session.

Offer valid from 1st August 2009- 31st December 2009


Free Business Coaching/ Business Consultation Session with ActionCOACH

http://www.actioncoach.com/actioncoachcorp/freecoachingquest.phpFree Business Coaching Session

You and your business are eligible to receive a complimentary coaching session valued at $375.00 from the world’s # 1 business coaching firm – ActionCOACH. All you have to do is complete the Business Health Check.

Additionally, if you refer a friend, you may be eligible for a month of free coaching. (*Conditions Apply). Whether you are looking for ways to grow the profit in your company or methods to attract high performing team members – we can help! Whatever your goals are – ActionCOACH can help. We have helped more than 100,000 business owners just like you throughout the world.

 This is your chance to get help from the leader in business coaching for FREE!

Offer Valid from 1st August 2009 to 31st December 2009- Conditions apply.

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7 Lessons From a Successful Franchisee

7 Lessons From a Successful Franchisee

By Themi Stergianos



AX075908My experience stems from buying and selling franchises. I believe in franchising as a wealth creation tool but be sure you don’t become a victim.

If you want to build an international franchise or are simply looking at acquiring a franchise to increase your wealth – always look if you can tick the following check boxes.

My 7 learnings as a successful franchisee (and in order of merit):

  1. Buy the top franchise model in the industry i.e. if Pizza franchise – buy top franchise in the country (the criteria being, 3 -5 years of being number one)
  2. If passionate founders are present – big YES
  3. Strict code of conduct and high operational standards – is there consistency in customer experience throughout the group?
  4. Are franchisees considered as customers?  Or is the franchisor looking at a franchisee as a glorified employee – don’t be shy – ask the franchisees.
  5. Are more than the 20% making money (real good money) – otherwise it’s an average franchise – Be very sure you have the capability of being a superstar! Happy customers and profitable franchisees –these are signs indicating the franchisor has his finger on the pulse! Unhappy franchisees and clients is a definite red signal.
  6. Buy in before the big growth is realized – i.e. see the potential for the group and buy in before everyone wants in. No different from the stock market…
  7. Is the franchisor operationally focused or customer-centric? If operationally focused – GET OUT!

Build or buy a franchise with the above in mind and rest assured -you will have a winner!




CALL us today and ask about our FREE BOOK OFFER- 0800 228 466 Call FREE in NZ


Why do Customers leave you … ?

How many times have you played the “Whatever Happened to …” game.  Wondering why a certain customer who used to buy what you have to sell doesn’t buy anymore?


Is there a reason?  Or group of reasons?  Has anyone ever done a study on this?


Though the years, I’ve accumulated a group of reports from different sources ranging from different sources ranging from U.S News & World Report, the Harvard Business Review, and several trade magazines to half a dozen motivational and “secrets of successful selling” articles.  But (and here’s the amazing fact) they all have the same statistics.


Now whether this is one person copying what someone else has written or said or simply perpetuating a myth I’m not sure.


What we are sure of is that the statistics make sense because they worked in our business (and seeing them gave us a reason to develop a new customer-oriented marketing plan) and in other businesses as well.


Here are the numbers as repeated in books, columns, and from the mouths of let-me-tell-you-how-to-succeed speakers:


Why Customers Leave …

·         14% leave because their complaints were not solved

·         9% leave because of the competition

·         9% leave because they moved someplace else

·         68% leave for … no special reason or what we call perceived indifference …


In other words:  Seven out of ten customers who used to buy from you left for … no special reason … I don’t believe that …  I think there was a reason …  Or a series of reasons:


       I think they left because you never told them you cared…

       I think they left because you never told them they were important

       I think they left because you never said “Thank you” and “Please come back and shop with us again …”


Many times I have found that owners and operators are so busy minding the business they forget to mind the Customers, and in the immortal words of super salesman “Red” Motley, “Nothing happens until a sale is made”…


How many times have you walked in to the store and found no one to give you any help or assistance?


I heard the story of writer Ken Erdman tells of the time he and his wife were shopping in a Philadelphia department store …  His wife found an item and brought it to the counter – but no one was there.  And no one to be seen …  And so Ken simply stood in the middle of the room and yelled at the top of his voice “Help! Help!” Suddenly security people appeared from everywhere demanding to know the problem…


“There’s no problem,” said Ken.  “We just want someone to help us.” 


The Japanese handle that by having People stationed on either side of the door when you walk into their shops …  They bow and say O-kyaka-san, which roughly translated means, “You are a visitor to my home.”


Do I feel that way when I walk into your business?  Is one cashier talking to another …  Or a friend on the phone …  Or busy fixing stock … Or … are they so busy minding the business, they forgot to mind the customer …


A retailer friend proudly showed us his new computers …  He could tell us how many pairs of pink socks were sold on any given day at any given hour …   His carry-home briefcase was filled with voluminous printout sheets that he read with the same interest and the newest novel by John Grisham …  He would pencil in notes on the margin, make references for future buying patterns, and the store as an office away from his office at home …


His once-successful business went bankrupt …


He was so busy minding the business, he forgot to mind the Customer …


Now nothing is wrong with cleaning stock, taking inventory, and buying computers …  It is to be practiced devoutly, to be admired, and encouraged.  But not at the expense of the Customer …  Businesses often tend to build fences to hide behind …


We did a series of seminars for banks at annual state meetings across the country.  We asked each of them, “How many made more than ten officer calls last month?” (“Officer calls” mean  the bank officers had to leave the bank and personally make a call on a Customer and potential Customers throughout the community.)  Few raised their hand.  Yes, it was written down for them to do …  Yes, they knew it was important …  But there were papers to read and sign and employees to watch and criticize and . . . well, there just wasn’t enough time …


We remind them to “take the time,” or the competing bank would be out asking a simple question to the Customer: “When was the last time you saw your banker?”


They were so busy minding the business, they forgot to mind the Customer …


And what of the phone call to a business questioning a bill … And the answer, “Sorry, our computer handles that.”


Really?  What’s his (or her) name?  Can I talk to him?  If the computer is going to take care of the business, does that mean it takes care of the customer as well?  Shall we set up your business like a vending machine cafeteria?  Customers come in, look for the selection they want, dial their credit card number alongside  the tiny window opening, and click . . . it opens for them to take what they want …


And those of you that rave about the tremendous success of home shopping on TV, consider this fact:  The total sales (while impressive) make up less than 3 percent of the total retail in the United States …


·         People are lonely … They want someone to talk to …

·         People are critical …  They want to kick the tires and touch the fabric …

·         People are social … They want to “get out of the house” and go somewhere . . . the local mall or business is fine …


And so the next time the desk piles up with figures to beat and merchandise to buy and salespeople to hire, make sure it does not take up the greater part of your day …  That belongs to the Customer outside your door roaming around looking for help in buying an item …


Take care of your Customer.  If you do, you will have a business to take care of …

***article from bradsugars.com***

Do you have what it takes to become a Business Coach?


ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand

…at ActionCOACH we give ordinary people extra ordinary opportunity to have a more abundant life.

To know more Call us TODAY- 0800 369888

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10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed

10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed

Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussion
lists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups?
People will usually read the subject line before they
read your ad or message, so it’s important they get
noticed. Below are ten simple, but powerful tips to
get your ads or messages noticed.

1. Use extra white space creatively in your subject
line. You can add extra blank spaces between your
words or letters.

2. Combine capital letters with lower case letters.
Use all capital letters in every other word or use a
capital letter between every other lower case letter.

3. Add text symbols in your subject line. You could
use them between words and letters. Start and end
your subject with a text symbol. ( *, $, >,{,] )

4. Begin your subject line with the word “STOP!”.
People have been trained their whole life to stop
what they are doing when they see that word.

5. Ask people a question in your subject line. We
all went to school and were repetitively branded to
answer questions.

6. Use the word “FREE” in your subject line. Your
offer should be attractive to your target audience.
It could be free information, software, trials, etc.

7. Begin your subject line with an “online smile :)”.
People use smiles offline to gain people’s attention
and to win their trust, why not use them online too.

8. Don’t use unbelievable claims in your subject line.
People have or know some who has been ripped
off and trained themselves to ignore those claims.

9. Don’t use all capital letters in your subject line.
It is hard to read, looks unprofessional, and on the
internet it’s considered a symbol for shouting.

10. Test different subject lines to see which ones
draws the most traffic to your web site. Also, read
the FAQ before posting a message or ad anywhere.

**10 Ways Articles from PlugInProfit**


Russel Clark of Renovations, shares how Marti Amos from ActionCOACH has helped him systemize his business and take it to the next level .

Click Here to read more.