
The Top 3 REasons Why Business Coaching is the Best Business Business…

The Top 3 Reasons Why Business Coaching is the Best Business for Experienced Executives in New Zealand…

1. The Lifestyle of your choice…

In a job, you have to turn up at 9 (usually earlier) and can only leave at 5 (or later). In your own business, you set the schedule. Successful business coaches can arrange their work to suit them. You can work 3 days a week and take holidays when you want. It’s all up to you…

2. The rewards are yours to keep…

In a job, you usually get paid a fixed amount every year no matter how well you do. In a business it’s different, you get paid exactly what you deserve, because you earnt it…

3. The freedom of being an entrepreneur…

In a job, you have to fit your life around your work. Being a business owner is very different. You choose everything. Your Clients, your office and you hours are up to you. You are in control…

Click Here to know more or to discover if you have what it takes to become a Business Coach


ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand

The World’s No.1 Business Coaching Firm

Call us FREE Today for a Complimentary Business Coaching Session- 0800 228 466

or Click Here


The 5 to 7 Minute Marketing Plan

The 5 to 7 Minute Marketing Plan


The bulk of the plan needs to be completed in 5 to 7 minutes.  All parts of the plan will be in a single sentence except point 4 which will need to be fleshed out at a later date.

Here are the questions! – (remember answer in one sentence only!)

1)     The purpose of your marketing.

2)     What is the competitive advantage of your business?

3)     Who is your target market/audience?

4)     What are the marketing strategies that you’ll use? E.g. Radio, newspaper, customer service training, PR, add on sales training, etc.

5)     What’s your niche?

6)     What’s your identity – who you really are?

7)     Your marketing budget as a percentage of your total budget.

Source: Jay Conrad Levinson – Author of ‘The Guerrilla Marketing Revolution’.

For more Business Tips- please visit our website… www.actioncoachbusinesscoaching.co.nz

We are ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand. We are the biggest and the World’s No. 1 Business Coaching Firm.

or Call us Free today to book yourself and your business a COMPLIMENTARY BUSINESS COACHING SESSION. Dial 0800-228 – 466 today!

you dont have to


Would you like to learn more about how we can help transform your business into a well-oiled profit machine?

Would you like to learn more about how we can help transform your business into a well-oiled profit machine?

The first step is to call for a Complimentary Coaching Session.

Each month just 5 business owners are given the opportunity to receive a COMPLIMENTARY 90-minute Coaching Session.

This includes a review of your business, along with:

  • tips on strategies for improving lead generation
  • converting more leads into clients
  • increasing the average value of a sale
  • increasing the number of transactions clients make
  • adding to your profit margin

Contact Us TODAY! 0800-228-466

ActionCOACH Business Coaching New Zealand

PO Box 25-651, St. Heliers, Auckland, New Zealand

or email us- [email protected]

“Every business owner who signs-up for the complimentary coaching session WILL find new ways of increasing profits, getting control of their time and/or creating a business that can operate independently of the owner. I found tremendous clarity from being able to take a step back from my day-to-day problems and reviewing the big picture. – Ty Barns, Key Equity Offices


Create Your Roadmap to Success!

Create YOUR Roadmap to


Your Personal Invitation

from ActionCOACH.

Success is different for all of us… how we measure it, the strategies and actions we have to take to achieve it; it’s all different. Often we have a GREAT PLAN, but we never quite get to complete it. Usually when that happens, we revisit the PLAN when in fact we should be revisiting the barriers that prevented us from taking the actions we should have to successfully EXECUTE the plan.

The team from ActionCOACH invite you to join them on 19 September, 2009 to create your own personal 90 Day Plan:

  • See where your untapped potential is for you AND your business: Set your goals for the next 90 Days and identify the strategies you are going to put into place to achieve them.
  • Learn where you should focus your resources to get the greatest results for your business AND your personal life.

ActionCOACH is pleased to invite you to this workshop, designed to help you and your business grow

Jason Barrell-Guest Speaker ActionCOACH Business Coaching New ZealandSpecial guest on this great day is Jason Barrell. Jason played rugby in the NPC and Super 12 before a freak accident on the field resulted in a broken neck and 6 months in traction. When recovered, he joined the Police Force but a brain tumour was discovered, which lead to 9 hours of surgery and required him to re-learn everything, from walking to feeding himself. This inspiring speaker will tell you a story that is unforgettable and a story that will get you focused on what you need to do in your life and business to get the best out of it!

Remember to register early for this unique 90 Day Planning Workshop.

Fill in the registration form NOW and fax it back to us on (04) 566 1053, or call the registration team on (04) 566 1043 before Friday the 11th of September 2009.

Please note that seats are strictly limited!

90 Day Planning, 16th September 2009, West Plaza Hotel, Wakefield St. Wellington 8:30am to 3:00pm

Download your registration form now- Click Here!

or Click here to register online


Click here for a FREE Business Health Check- Get your Free Report now!


StreetSmart Advertising Workshop- Friday, 28th August 2009


“How I made $127,638.04 from one direct-mail campaign using simple proven advertising principles that anyone can learn…”

In an exclusive one-time-only workshop, Marti Amos, NZ’s #1 Ranked Business Coach (Jan 2009) will share with you the secrets behind creating money making advertising that will dirve a herd of customers to your doors within the next 90 days…

In This No Holds Barred Workshop You’ll Discover…

1. The 7 biggest mistakes that most business owners are guilty of in their advertising…and what to do about them!

2. 5 quick and dirty ways to create a powerful headline…that works!

3. 11 ways to create red-hot urgency in your readers mind that will get them to take immediate action to your offer…

4. The 7 critical things you must have in your ad to make it work…

5. How to completely dominate your competitors in the Yellow Pages and have your phone ringing 24/7

6. The big secrets behind testing and measuring that can double or triple your profits from a single ad…

7. How to increase the effectiveness of your website without one additional visitor…

Click here to Secure Your Spot at the StreetSmart Advertising Workshop!

Check Out What Past Attendees Have To Say After Attending The StreetSmart Advertising Workshop…

“From our 2008 Yellow Pages ad we managed to book 27 jobs which generated $13,139. We tested four different headlines for our 2009 ad and also changed the wording to make it more benefit oriented and customer focused.

In 2009 we have booked 334 jobs which has generated $183,203 in revenue. That’s a massive 1,294% increase in the revenue generated from our ad.”

Regan Frost, Regency Plumbing

“From just 2 ads we have placed in the local Eastern Courier for $650 we have gained 71 enquiries which have generated $22,950. Things are moving – many thanks for all the help and guidance. We realise that there was no way that we would have ‘achieved’ from the start without having engaged your help and input.”

Bernie and Lynne Matthews, Evi-Dent Denture Clinic

Click here to Secure Your Spot at the StreetSmart Advertising Workshop!

Plus, when you register before Friday 21st August (Early Bird) You’ll Also Get These Great Bonus Gifts…For FREE!

Bonus Gift #1 – One FREE ad critique certificate from Marti Amos. Have you got a piece of advertising to send out but you’re unsure whether it’s going to work? Wonder no longer! This certificate entitles you to one FREE ad critique. You simply send in your advertising piece and Marti will sit down for an hour and pick the bones out of your advertisement and then list all the ways in which you can improve its effectiveness (valued at $497)

Bonus Gift #2 – The Headline Generator Kit. Stuck for a headline? This great program takes all the effort out of creating headlines by coming up with them for you. You simply answer 4 quick questions around your product/service benefit and the headline generator will automatically create 200 ready-to-use headlines (valued at $97)

Click here to Secure Your Spot at the StreetSmart Advertising Workshop!

Visit our Website

Call Josh Ming at 09 3681036 now to know more!

StreetSmart Advertising Workshop- 28th August 2009

Waipuna Conference Centre

58 Waipuna Road, Mt. Wellington




10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed

10 Ways To Get Your Ads Or Messages Noticed

Do you post to message boards, e-mail discussion
lists, classified ads sites, FFA sites or newsgroups?
People will usually read the subject line before they
read your ad or message, so it’s important they get
noticed. Below are ten simple, but powerful tips to
get your ads or messages noticed.

1. Use extra white space creatively in your subject
line. You can add extra blank spaces between your
words or letters.

2. Combine capital letters with lower case letters.
Use all capital letters in every other word or use a
capital letter between every other lower case letter.

3. Add text symbols in your subject line. You could
use them between words and letters. Start and end
your subject with a text symbol. ( *, $, >,{,] )

4. Begin your subject line with the word “STOP!”.
People have been trained their whole life to stop
what they are doing when they see that word.

5. Ask people a question in your subject line. We
all went to school and were repetitively branded to
answer questions.

6. Use the word “FREE” in your subject line. Your
offer should be attractive to your target audience.
It could be free information, software, trials, etc.

7. Begin your subject line with an “online smile :)”.
People use smiles offline to gain people’s attention
and to win their trust, why not use them online too.

8. Don’t use unbelievable claims in your subject line.
People have or know some who has been ripped
off and trained themselves to ignore those claims.

9. Don’t use all capital letters in your subject line.
It is hard to read, looks unprofessional, and on the
internet it’s considered a symbol for shouting.

10. Test different subject lines to see which ones
draws the most traffic to your web site. Also, read
the FAQ before posting a message or ad anywhere.

**10 Ways Articles from PlugInProfit**


Russel Clark of Renovations, shares how Marti Amos from ActionCOACH has helped him systemize his business and take it to the next level .

Click Here to read more.